The Chaffey Trail: Mildura Wharf
If you visit the old Mildura wharf, you might be a little disappointed tha there isn't a whole lot to see. An old wooden wharf... not all that interesting perhaps. There may be a paddle steamer docked, depending on the time of day, but other than that - it's just a small wharf.

But just imagine what it was like 120 years ago. The picture above gives an idea of how the area was a hive of activity anytime a boat arrived with supplies. Workers working, children playing, men shouting orders, the smell of the sweaty horses and leather saddles... it must have been a wonderful occasion when a steamer docked.

For over 50 years, the Murray was the lifeblood of Mildura, and the Wharf was the heart that kept it pumping. Without it, Mildura could never have developed into what it is today.
But the wheels of progress never stop turning, and by the 1930s steam trains and improved roading spelled the beginning of the end for the wharf. These days, it is used mainly as a departure point for tourist paddle steamers.
More information on the wharf and paddle steamers coming soon.