RiverFront Gallery

Art work photos taken with permission from the lovely people at the gallery

It was approaching 40°C when I arrived at the RiverFront Art Gallery, and the cool blast of the air conditioning as I stepped through the door came as a welcome relief. The air inside might have been cool, but the reception certainly wasn't: I was welcomed by liliana, and we spent a very pleasant 40 minutes looking at the art and talking about the history of the gallery.

Frontage of the Riverfront gallery
The gallery has been in this building since the late 1960s

It's older than you might think

I asked Liliana how long the gallery had been in this building, and was surprised to learn it was 55 years. That makes it the oldest gallery in Mildura, and yet, possibly one of the least known.

Even many of the local Mildura residents don't know about it. But to be fair, the building is not an obvious art gallery to a casual passerby. You either need to know the gallery is there, or happen to be walking past to see the roadside sign out the front.

Picture from  the Riverfront gallery
One of the art works at the Riverfront gallery
Picture from  the Riverfront gallery
I just love this painting!
Picture from  the Riverfront gallery
Another of the art works at the Riverfront gallery

Grab a Souvenir card (or two)

This is a great initiative... the gallery have lovely cards featuring their art work, for only $2.50-$4.00 each. At that price you can afford to grab a few of them to take home as a souvenir of your trip to Mildura.

There was also a fund raising raffle when I was there. $1 a ticket and the prize was... you guessed it. A lovely work of art.

So why not call in next time you are in Mildura. There is ample car parking, and it's close to Shippys café, toilets, and the river is just across the road.

Contact and Open Times

This article was printed from ExploreMildura.com

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